Update: As of 07/2023, we have expanded the Tonnage Reporting. The new reports populate the same information in a better interface. You can pull data for "all time", year, month, or custom date ranges. All reports can be exported to CSV and you can click the column headers to sort information, which will automatically total values for similar items (such as landfill names).
For recording landfill information such as the Name, Ticket Number, etc., see: Entering landfill information.
- Total Tonnage - Sums the tonnage type (usually, by dumpster), quantity, and revenue.
- Itemized Tonnage Report - Shows all tonnage on orders with landfill information.
- Itemized Tonnage - 1 Ton Minimum Report - Same as above but accounts for landfills that charge waste haulers a minimum.
You'll find the reports under Reports > Dumpster Reports:
Previous Tonnage Report
The "Tonnage Report" is located under the Reports tab in the Control Panel under "Product Reports".
This report automatically pulls data with the string "Ton", "Tons", "Tonnage", "Pounds", and "Poundage". Tonnage must be entered as shown in the article, "Applying Tonnage Costs" to populate:
Select a date range by clicking the prior date first and then selecting a later date:
Entering Landfill Information
These fields must have these exact names to function with the tonnage reports. The fields can be entered though the Driver App or the Control Panel. You can also pre-populate a list of dropdown choices for fields, such as "Landfill Name". These fields come from "Order Options".
- Landfill Name
- Landfill Price/Ton
- Landfill Ticket Number
- Refuse Type
- County Name
Note: The "Landfill Price/Ton" will automatically populate from the "Cost" box in Admin > General Config > Locations, if the "Landfill Name" entered matches the "Name" in Locations. Screenshots are below.
In the Driver App, tap the Order ID (with "Basket" icon) from the View Loadsheet screen. Tap the second tab at the top to see the additional tonnage reporting fields:
In the Control Panel on the Dispatch tab, click the "Expand" button to see the additional fields:
These fields are configured under Admin > Order Config > Order Options. The names must match exactly as shown above. If you do not need these information, you are welcome to delete these fields, although we would highly recommend gathering this data for reporting purposes:
To predefine your list of Landfill Names, click the "Landfill Name" option under Admin > Order Config > Order Options. Enter the options, as needed. The "cost" box shown below should be blank.
The landfill cost, which populates "Landfill Price/Ton" based on the name is located under Admin > General Config > Locations:
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